Resources for Parents & Catechists

Printable activities from Call to Faith Textbooks for Home School families with Catechist Manual
Teens & Young Adults:
Bookstore and subscriptions

Teens & Young Adults: Full Catholic resource including the Bible, Daily Mass readings, Catechism, Leadership...

Teens & Adults: Information and guidance specific to our Diocese

Catechists & Volunteers: Required education and bulletins for volunteers

Parents: learn more about what's involved

Preschool: Contact Terri Telepak in the Parish Office for your copy of this week's bulletin Children's Worship Bulletin.

Children: Cartoon Videos
Teens & Young Adults: Inspirational Talks & Movies

Create a FREE account for you and your family. When completing the registration simply mention St Raphael as your parish.

Teens & Young Adults: Videos, Podcasts, and Blogs

Children: Bookstore, Printable activities, Advent Adventures, Lenten Adventures

Children: Blessed series of videos. Our parish owns these as well. If you would like to borrow a DVD contact us.
Teens & Young Adults: Daily Inspiration, Best Advent Ever, Best Lent Ever

All Ages: Mass
Children: Videos
Teens & Young Adults: Videos, talks, and podcasts

*All logos, images, links, content, trademarks and copyrights are property of their respective organizations and are not affiliated with Saint Raphael Parish.