Home School Religion


Our Home School Religion program is designed for families who choose to teach their children at home.  It is often utilized when family schedules do not allow for PSR in the classroom.  This option is available for students in Grades K, 1, 3, 4, and 5 only.  If your child will be in Second Grade, it is strongly recommended that your child attend PSR in the classroom in order to prepare with fellow students receiving the Sacrament. 

Program Outline

With Home School Religion, the parents are the Religion teachers. You create a plan that works for you that encompasses the following:

Temporary Home School Option

If you are registered for PSR and find a need for temporary Home School during the year, please contact Terri Telepak to discuss arrangements.  This often occurs with sports or other unforeseen scheduling conflicts and is limited to a period of six to eight weeks.

Blessings and challenges of homeschooling

Homeschooling your child in Religion may be a wonderful blessing for your family which works well for your schedule and leaves you with personal growth in your faith!  Families remark on the great "God conversations" they have with their children!  Unfortunately, many of our families that try this program, never complete it and their child does not receive Religion credit on their permanent record for that grade level. While we recognize that parents are the primary catechists of their children, this program can have a low success rate. The families that do Home School Religion well, love it and are good at it. Feedback from families who didn't complete the program tell us that while it seems very attractive at first, they didn't realize the discipline it takes and it was challenging to fit teaching weekly lessons into their already busy lives.

Home School Fee

The tuition for Home School Religion is $45 per student (Grades K, 1, 3-5)  It covers the cost of two half-day retreats, consumable student textbook, folder, paperwork and rental of the teacher manual for the parent.   Payments & Fees