

Dance is a modern based program for students interested in pursuing a professional experience in the performing arts. Students take daily technique classes in modern dance and ballet technique as well as hip-hop, choreography, dance composition, and improvisation. Students are exposed to a wide range of professional guest artists and other styles of dance throughout the school year in the form of one day workshops or special projects including jazz dance, musical theater, West African dance and drumming, sculpture and dance, theater, yoga, capoiera, salsa. The program is performance based, and students will perform several times throughout the school year in the black box theater space and at other venues and events in the community. Students attend concerts and workshops with professional touring dance companies each year throughout New England. This program is aligned with National Common Core Standards for Dance, National Standards for Dance Education, and the Kennedy Center Standards for Dance Education. Community partnerships with David Reese and Falmouth Physical Therapy, Bowdoin College Department of Theater and Dance, USM Dance Faculty and Portland Ovations allow students to develop valuable connections. Students who complete the program can further their education or enter into the workforce as a choreographer, strength and conditioning coach, technique instructor and more.


Modern Dance and Ballet Technique

Hip Hop Technique


Introduction to Pilates/Core (Strengthening and Conditioning for Dancers)

Making Dances and Introduction to Dance Composition

West African Dance Workshop

Special Projects and Workshops With a Variety of Guest Artists in a Variety of Dance Styles and Interdisciplinary Art Forms

Introduction to Dance History/Dance and Culture/Writing About Dance

National Standards:

California Career and Technical Education Model Curriculum Standards for Dance



College Credit:


Suggested Integrated Academic Credit:

Career Prep

Fine Arts

Physical Education/Health



Effective communication to support collaborative professional relationships.


Actively participate in daily program routine, including but not limited to sustained periods of standing, and participating in and facilitating gross motor activities.

Ability to work cooperatively and professionally with classmates.