Science, Tech & Engineering Websites

Great  Websites for

Science, Tech & Engineering

Coding Links provides LOTS of great sites to help you learn and enjoy so many aspects of coding.

AirVisual provides access to the world's largest air quality database, spanning 10,000+ locations globally.

An Astronaut's Guide to Life In Space answers all your questions about what it's like up there!

Animated Engines provides insight into how various types of engines work.

AP Daily Live Review offers prep for all AP courses.

arXiv provide open access to over 2 million scholarly articles on all aspects of math, science, comp sci, engineering & economics.

Association of Zoos and Aquariums is an organization dedicated to the advancement of zoos and aquariums in the areas of conservation, education, science, and recreation.  Access their research and standards for animal and habitat care.

The Atlas of Moons by National Geographic provides an Interactive trip through the universe and Its moons. 

BBC Earth has lots of information on Nature, Science, Space, Sustainability and more.

BioDigital Human is an interactive 3D environment providing a stunningly realistic way to examine the human body. Set up a free account to explore and manipulate the 3D images and cross sections, zoom in and out of the various layers of anatomical animations and see the effects of various health conditions. Incredible!

BioInteractive provides multimedia science resources, including short films, lectures, virtual labs, tutorials, apps, click-and-learns, and teacher guides. 

BirdCast provides bird migration forecasts in real time.

Brain Facts helps you unravel the mysteries of the brain with the help of the neuroscience community.

Bring Science Home provides lots of experiments from Scientific American that can be done with household items in half and hour or less.

Cancer FactFinder provides reliable, research-based info on what does and does not cause cancer.

The Chandra X-ray Observatory , set up by NASA, allows scientists a view of X-ray images around the universe 

Chrome Experiments has incredible work by coders that cover EVERYTHING!!!  Don't miss it!! 

Circuit Lab makes it easy to design, analyze, build and share circuits.

Citizen Science, created by the U.S. Dept of the Interior, allows citizens to participate in large-scale science projects.

Climate Choice offers actions you and your family can take to reduce global emissions and work to Improve the planet.

Climate Mapping for Resilience and Adaptation (CMRA) shows climate-related hazards in real time

Cooking for Engineers is a site for those with an analytical mind that like to cook.

Cornell Lab of Ornithology:  All About Birds helps you identify and learn about North American birds.

Coronavirus Outbreaks State-by-State

Covid-19 Discussions with MIT 

CS in Science - For the self-starters and self-directed learners, a chance to teach yourself about CS in Science.  Lots of great videos and materials for learning!

The Deep Sea helps you visually explore all the creatures that inhabit the deep sea as you scroll deeper and deeper.  Fascinating!

Discover Entomology provides information on the science of studying insects and its importance.

Earth Science Picture of the Day highlights incredible images captured by USRA, the Universities Space Research Association.  A new image with information posted daily.

Earthquake Hazards Program has real-time data on global maps about earthquake events worldwide provided by the US Geological Survey. Find archived data on significant earthquakes dating back to year 1900.

EarthSky provides updates and gorgeous images on all things related to the cosmos.

EBird allows you to be part of the global birding community by recording your observations, photos & sound bites.

Energy Information Administration:  This Week in Petroleum offers facts and figures on all aspects of petroleum production and pricing.

Energy Saver by the Department of Energy helps you improve your energy efficiency.

Entomology - The Study of Insects

EWG (Environmental Working Group) helps you make informed decisions for a healthier life.  From the quality of your tap water, to the toxic chemicals in your personal care & beauty products and the pesticides in your fruit, EWG provides you with the info you need.

Extreme Weather Watch provides historical data back to the 1800's on record high and low temps for all of North America.

Feynman Lectures Playlist are the tape recordings of Richard Feynman's 1961-64 Caltech Introductory Physics lectures, which form the basis of his books. 

FiveThirtyEight shares the data and code as it uses statistical analysis — hard numbers — to tell compelling stories about elections, politics, sports, science and more.

Flyover Country is an app fund by the NSF that helps you learn about the geoscience along the path of your flight, hike or road trip.

Fold 'n Fly has lots of great paper airplane designs from simple to complex.

Get Body Smart provides interactive models, info & quizzes on all body systems

Global Earthquake Monitor  offers interactive map of latest earthquakes and volcanoes worldwide. 

Global Coal Countdown tracks our progress toward a coal-free future.

Healthline:  Body Maps has 3D interactive models of all human body systems.

Holiday Weather provides daily worldwide forecasts to help you plan your holidays.

Hubble Site let's you explore space through photos and videos from this cutting edge technology.

How to Clean Up Your Digital History provides tips on how to declutter your online traces.

iNaturalist helps you identify species and connect with other naturalists

Innerbody Research allows you to explore systems within the human body.

Instructables teaches you to build all kinds of cool stuff, from a homemade hot tub to a Star Wars dining table, they've got it all!

The Internet Bird Collection contains videos, photographs and sound recordings of all the birds of the world.

Intro to Navigation helps you understand how to use a compass, how to read a topographical map plus other navigational skills

John's Hopkins University follows the worldwide spread of COVID-19

The Kid Should See This  has thousands of short, amazing videos that cover tons of science topics!

Living Atlas of the World is the foremost collection of maps & environmental info that can be combined & layered.

MCN Ultimate Guide to Virtual Museums is, by far, the most comprehensive guide to virtual museum resources, E-learning, and online collections covering art, culture, history, science.  Amazing!

MedlinePlus: Drugs, Herbs & Supplements  provides reliable information from the US National Library of Medicine.

MedPageToday is a trusted and reliable source for clinical and policy coverage that directly affects the lives and practices of health care professionals. 

Merlin Bird ID is a free app from Cornell University to help you identify birds you see or hear.

Meteor Shower Calendar is just what it sounds like!

MIT Open Courseware provides open access to all Massachusetts Institute of Technology courses and teaching materials.

Molecular Workbench allows you to explore hundreds of scientific simulations in bio, chem, physics, biotech and nanotechnology.

Moon Phases Calendar helps you figure out the lunar phase for any date.

NASA  -- main site for ALL things regarding space exploration

National Human Genome Research Institute has tons of info and activities to better understand genomics.

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) is a part of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, is the nation’s medical research agency 

Nobel Prize helps you learn about the history, work and people who have won the coveted Nobel Prizes in Medicine, Chemistry, Physics, Literature, Peace and Economics.

NSTMF Lab lets you use National Science & Technology's simulator to create and learn about galaxies.

Omni Calculator helps you make calculations regarding so many areas within the Sciences!

Paper Dinosaurs is an online exhibit featuring drawings and information on dinosaurs

PBS Learning Media has tons of free video content on all topics.

PhET is a collection of science and math interactive computer simulations. With over 200 million simulations delivered to date, learn through exploration in an animated, game-like environment

PTable is a dynamic interactive periodic table.

PubMed, a service of the NIH, comprises more than 34 million citations for biomedical literature, many with full text.

Royal Society of Chemistry is the world's leading chemistry community.  Follow all the leading research and advances. is your portal to 200 million pages of authoritative U.S. government science information including research and development results

Science Daily aggregates science news and research from around the globe.

Science Friday  makes science fun for everyone with interesting articles, activities and resources.

Science Knowledge Quiz by the Pew Research Center will allow you to test your knowledge of science facts and principles with a 12-question quiz and then let you know how you compare to others in your demographics.

Science Magazine by the American Association for the Advancement of Science lets you access a global weekly journal of research which serves the scientific community as a forum for the presentation and discussion of important issues related to the advancement of science.

Science Museum Group curates a collection of over 7 million items from various museums centered on science, tech, engineering, medicine, transport & media.

Science Open provides open and free access to over 61 million research articles In over 25, 000 journals, plus allows you to share your research.

The Sky Live is an interactive star map of the sky visible from Greenwich, UK. 

Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory/NASA Astrophysics Data System provides access to more than 14.2 million records covering publications in Astronomy and Astrophysics, Physics, and the arXiv e-prints. 

Stack Overflow is a programmer's best friend.  Ask questions and get answers to all your programming difficulties, or just learn from other programmers' questions.

Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) is a non-profit dedicated to reducing the use of plastics and finding more sustainable solutions.

SuperCluster tells the human side of space exploration through stories, podcasts and information on astronauts.

TED Talks by Brilliant Kids & Teens offers Inspirational talks on Technology, Education and Design from this popular site.

Tinkercad is a free, easy-to-use app for 3D design, electronics, and coding.  And RN has a 3-D printer to actualize your design.

Treehugger provides amazing resources (plus apps) to help the environment

​Tutorials Point is the largest free tutorials library on the web with hundreds of tutorials on programming, big data, mobile development, telecom and java technologies.

​The Why Files provides scientific information to explain and expand on current news stories. This witty web site updates weekly and provides a searchable archive of stories and articles.

US Copyright Office is helpful for all things related to copyright -- protecting your ideas or inventions, understanding the process or seeing what's already been registered.

US National Library of Medicine is the world's largest biomedical library.

VegPlotter helps you plan your garden and learn the best conditions and practices to successfully garden fruit and veg.

Ventusky provides live wind, rain and temperature maps, a detailed forecast for any location and data from the best weather forecast models such as GFS, ICON, GEM.

Waterbear allows you to stream free, environmentally focused, award-winning documentaries and short films

Wolfram|Alpha gives you access to the world's facts and data and calculates answers across a range of topics, including science, nutrition, history, geography, engineering, mathematics, linguistics, sports, finance, music... and more.

You Tube has lots of informative videos & tutorials.  Here are just  few:

     Periodic Videos created by the University of Nottingham cover the elements.