Cooking & Food Websites

Great Websites for Cooking & Food

Cooking for Engineers is a site for those with an analytical mind that like to cook.

Dish Dragon lets you input an ingredient and uses data science to let you know what goes well with that.  Amazing recipes!

Everyday Health provides nutrition resources, personalized health tools,  plus information and news on physical and mental health.

The Food Timeline tracks the history of food and provides recipes.

The Kid Should See This has a ton of wonderful food and cooking videos.

Omni Calculator helps you make calculations regarding health and cooking....and many other things!

Rainbow Plant Life  is a vegan food and lifestyle website that features recipes that will please vegans and non-vegans alike. 

Serious Eats has recipes, podcasts, techniques, reviews and all else that brings foodies together.

Simple Veganista is an incredible hub for vegan recipes and information.

Spoonable's Recipe Analyzer helps you figure out the common ingredients and ratios in popular dishes.

Taste Atlas highlights local dishes and traditional ingredients around the world