Media Bias / Media Literacy


Great Websites for

Media Bias / Literacy

Ad Fontes Media rates news sources for reliability and bias. Their Media Bias Chart, both interactive and static, is invaluable in helping to create better news consumers.

All Sides allows you to see the news and current affairs from all perspectives: from the left, center and right. What's your personal bias and how can we learn to conduct civil discourse when talking to people who are coming from a different perspective?

Credder allows journalists and the public to review articles, measuring the credibility of every article, author, and outlet.

Global Investigative Journalism Network provides great insight into journalism, understanding bias and fact checking.

The Learning Network / NY Times offers a wealth of participatory and real world learning experiences using The New York Times. Enjoy the article of the day, a news quiz, a student opinion section, plus podcasting.

Newseum ED contains primary sources, historical videos, and other resources that cover media literacy and civics. Sign up for a free account and learn about media literacy, propaganda, debate, fake news, and civics among many other topics.

FAIR has a great page on how to detect bias in news media.