Google & G Suite

We are a Google School!

​Rye Neck is thrilled to be maximizing the power of Google to allow students to collaborate, take charge of their learning and thrive in today's tech-driven world.

G Suite - formerly known as Google Apps for Education

Rye Neck teachers have integrated an array of Google Apps for Education to enhance their curriculum.

Students will be enrolled in Google Classrooms to facilitate work-centered feedback and collaboration with other students. Gmail provides all of our students with a school-based email account, Google Calendar will allow for the integration of assignment due dates, test/quiz dates and other scheduling with each student's calendar, Google Drive will provide cloud storage accessible from any device for all work created or shared in Google Docs, Google Sheets, Google Slides and Google Forms.

For more information, use the attached Google Quick Guides:

Google Classroom - Guide for Students

Google Classroom - Guide for Teachers

Google Docs

Google Drive

Google Meet

Google Sheets

Google Slides