Learning Resources
School Counselors address the three domains of Academic, Social/Emotional, and College/Career. Below are optional activities and resources students and families can use to continue learning in these three domains. The activities are not meant to take a lot of time. Choose one, or try them all, it's up to you! .
RUSD Parent Workshops: Click here for workshops offered by RUSD's Family Resource Center
Your teacher is the most knowledgeable when it comes to your classes. Therefore, the first step is to reach out to your teachers regarding questions about assignments, grading, and deadlines. If you have reached out to your teacher and they are unable to assist you with your questions, email your counselor and they will assist you with finding resources and explanations to your concerns.
Instructions for 7th grade students to check 2020-2021 Course Requests
Teacher Office Hours - Students can ask their teachers questions and get clarification on assignments, please click title to view teachers scheduled office hours.
AVID Tutoring and Homework Help- Virtual tutoring and homework help is available to all students through our AVID tutors. Tutors are available at specific times for different subjects, please click title to view scheduled tutoring sessions. Any students can join the google meet for an area they would like help with, in addition to utilizing their teacher's office hours.
How to use and monitor Google Classroom- This youtube video in English and Spanish review the basics of google classroom for parents and students.
Career Cruising (Log in: RIV-123456, Password: STU123456) *Note numbers are your student ID/lunch number
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