iPad Glitches

Parents, having difficulty accessing Google Classroom? Unable to see your student's work?

Parents cannot actually get into the classrooms because they’re not a student or staff member at RSU#13. Only RSU#13 email addresses/domains are allowed to join OMS classrooms.

If parents are getting or trying to use Class Codes, it won’t work (unless they happen to be a district employee.)

Parents may be invited to receive emails as a Guardian only. If the invite is accepted, parents will receive Guardian Summaries via email which will include summaries of assignments, due dates, and missing work for their student.

Once parents accept the invite to receive Guardian Summaries, if they have a Gmail account, they can use a computer (doesn’t work on a mobile device) to decide how often they want to receive summaries.

The only options for parents to actually see what’s going on in the class would be to:

1. Have their student log in to GC and look at their screen with their student.

2. Use student’s log in to actually log in to the class. (Please note any action done at this point will look as though the student did it, if, i.e. a parent makes a comment, posts in the stream, Turn In work, Unsubmit, etc.)

If there are still questions, please contact Mrs. Johnson at trjohnson@rsu13.org