For Staff

Information Sharing

Google Sites - Is a great way to broadcast information. What you are looking at right now was made using Google Sites! Bob Jordan our technology integrator has put together a great site to demonstrate all the things that Google Sites can do. Check it out here!

Video Instruction

Screencastify can be used to create screen recordings with voiceover to help illustrate specific skills. These can then be shared through Google Classroom. Click here for more information

Video Conference & Chat

There are many video conferencing and messaging systems available. Here are the ones that we use and support for staff and students in RSU1. Click to view a few short videos about these tools.

  • Zoom - Zoom is a group video chat or video conferencing app. It has some additional tools when compared to Google Meet. Teachers can use this to talk to an entire class at once and hold conversation etc. Zoom can be setup using a Google Calendar event.

  • Google Meets - A Meet is a group video chat / video conference tool. This is good for getting students and staff together in one place to have a classroom like experience. Meets has a minimal interface and is easy to setup using Google Calendar or setting up through the Meet website.

  • Google Hangouts Chat - Hangouts chat is accessed through Gmail, the Hangouts app, or the hangouts website. It offers simple text, video, and voice communication. It's best for 1 on 1, but can be used in a group as well. Great for quick messages between staff or a staff member and a student.

Quick Video Conferencing Tips...

Some of you may be experiencing poor video conferencing performance with your classes and meetings. There are many variables that impact video conferencing performance, but here are steps that should help no matter your conferencing service, type of computer, or internet service provider.

1. Close all the windows and tabs that you can

2. If possible, ask others on your local network (in your home) to not stream movies, music, or have their own video conferences going at the same time

3. It never hurts to turn your computer off, and then back on, at the start of the day

4. Have participants turn off the camera and use voice only, other than the presenter