
Antiracist Research & Policy Center American University

The mission of The Antiracist Research & Policy Center (ARPC) is to convene and team up varied specialists to figure out novel and practical ways to understand, explain, and solve seemingly intractable problems of racial inequity and injustice. The organization considers racist policies and ideas, and not certain racial groups, to be the racial problem and strives to build an antiracist society of racial equity and justice.

Boston University Center for Antiracist Research

The center fosters racial research, research-based policy innovation, data-driven educational and advocacy campaigns, and narrative-change initiatives. Their mission is working towards building an antiracist society that ensures equity and justice for all.

Institutional Anti-Racism and Accountability Project (IARA)

The Institutional Anti-racism and Accountability Project is an initiative at the Harvard Kennedy School of Government’s Shorenstein Center. The goal is to use research and policy to promote anti-racism as a core value and institutional norm.

Race Forward is home to the Government Alliance on Race and Equity (GARE), a national network of local government working to achieve racial equity and advance opportunities for all. Race Forward publishes the daily news site Colorlines and presents Facing Race, the country’s largest multiracial conference on racial justice.