Anti-Racism Resources

We have curated a wide range of resources that explore race and social justice, which we hope you will find helpful. Whether you are learning for yourself, or you are discussing current events with friends, students, your children, and extended family, the following books, articles, websites, podcasts, TED Talks, and more are here for you to use. All materials are available at the Morse High School Library.

Welcome to 826 High Street

The faculty of Morse High School welcomes you to 826 High Street. Morse High School is more than our workplace. At Morse, we form relationships that add wealth to our lives and shape how we experience our world. We support each other here. We believe in expressions that promote peace, collaboration, and understanding. We strive to ensure that every student has the opportunity to build supportive and sympathetic relationships. We are lucky to know you. We are lucky to work here, and we want to keep Morse High School a positive environment for everyone who walks through our doors. Talk to us. If something makes you uncomfortable, reach out. If you need support, acknowledgment, or to be heard, let us know. Any of us. We will work to address the situation. Words and images meant to separate us are not welcomed here. Labels that demean, belittle, reduce, or dehumanize us are not tolerated here. We ask you to accept that freedom of expression, both written and spoken, comes with responsibility and that, at 826 High Street, we gladly take responsibility for each other. Every person, from every perspective and background, is welcomed in Our House.