Spanish 1

Here is where you may find information about Sr Rusk's Spanish classes.

Below are links to Google Classroom, Course philosophy, Rubrics and General Classroom Rules

The most important document available to student and parent is the

Week at a Glance (WAG)

on our Google Classroom

It contains class assignments, activities, links, schedules, etc.

Students may link to their Spanish 1 Google Classroom Here:

Course Rationale

This course on the Spanish language and culture is offered for students who would enjoy future employment in various fields where speaking Spanish is advantageous, who would like to travel to any or all of the 21 Spanish speaking countries, or who simply seek a challenging, yet familiar, language to fulfill their requirement for graduation.

Course Aims and Outcomes

Level 1 Spanish seeks to give the students a basis in both Spanish vocabulary and grammar, while also providing the introduction to a deep engagement with the various Spanish-speaking cultures in South America and around the world.

By the end of this course, students will:

be able to function on a basic level and make themselves understood in a Spanish-speaking country.

be able to carry on a basic conversation with students and native speakers of Spanish.

be able to read and comprehend simple Spanish texts and signs.

be familiar with Spanish cultural norms and taboos.

be functional on the ACTFL level novice-high (see ACTFL standards on RRPS World Language website).

ACTFL Proficiency Infographic

Greater details to classroom rules and grading procedures may be found on a following tab.

General Rules of Sr Rusk's classes

I try to create a "least restrictive environment." That is, a class where the student feels comfortable about trying to learn another language without the pressure of "always needing to be correct." Included are the singing of songs, fun videos, games, drawing, lots of interpersonal communication, and the option of using many different methods to complete projects, etc.

I generally have the class live under "Rule #1" - Be cool to me and I'll be cool to you. Essentially, I will do my best to teach you Spanish and you will do your best to learn. A student's "proper student behavior" is expected, including:

  1. Listening to instruction.

  2. Participating in our activities.

  3. Turning in work on time. (and when late, communicating to me when the work has been completed)

a. Late work MUST be COMPLETE and submitted within 5 school days of original due date. If it is not complete or on time, the 0 will remain in the gradebook.

b. A "0" will be entered into the gradebook when the student doesn't submit work. This grade will only be changed when the work is made up (see a. above).

c. Posted on the WAGs are the "Make up/Retake Day" ... typically Wednesdays. These are times when class time is allotted for make up work and retaking of exams.

  1. Classroom procedures: Bathroom/leaving class, Personal Electronic Devices, Food & Drink

a. Bathroom/leaving class - student will NOT interrupt the class to ask permission to leave. Student is to walk to the door, scan the Bathroom QR code, fill out the form and wait for permission (usually a quick nod). Students who do not follow this procedure will sing the first line from the Sr Wooly video, "Maestro puedo ir al bano, por favor? Then they will be allowed to leave.

b. PEDs - are allowed when announced by Sr Rusk and are to be use for academic purposes in class. At all other times, the student's PED should be turned off and stored in their backpack/bag. If a student is using their PED to listen to music, watch videos, communicate/social media, play games, etc (anything not related to our Spanish curriculum) - I will note PED on my log. See next tab for details.

c. Food & Drink are NOT currently allowed by school rule due to COVID. Normally, Food & Drink are allowed as long as: any spills or trash are immediately cleaned up, it is in a sealable container, it is not an allergen to anyone in the class, and the aroma or sound doesn't disturb the class.