You can help by donating money or classroom materials. RCS depend on supporters such as yourself.

Donate Today

For a one-time investment of $6,400 you will support many individuals/parents and support

  • Stability for families in need

  • Eliminating language barriers

  • Reduced dependency on public assistance

  • Children’s increased school attendance and performance

  • Building employment skills and work force development in the City

DONATE THROUGH Revere Parks & Recreation Department.

Local business and individuals can donate

$105: Help one adult participate in a 10 weeks class to improve his or her literacy or math, speaking, and work-ready skills, as well as her or his employability

$6400: Establish a class in your company’s name for a full year and help up to 100 learners adults & youth take classes in reading and writing and speaking for one year so they can improve their literacy, speaking and work-readiness skills.

$20,000: help us start “Careers Counseling program” for one year, taken by 75% of all new adult learners at RCS, helping hundreds of job seekers create resumes, improve computer literacy, and create their individual learning plans and career pathways.


SUPPORT THE Revere ADULT Education program.

DONATE IN-KIND. Adult education programs and classes need supplies like notebooks, tens/pencils, dictionaries, markers file/folders, toys for kids. We will help you find the right class for your generous gift.

Questions? Contact Fatou at (781) 333-2061, e-mail , or mail your gift to:

Revere Community School,101 School Street, Revere, MA 02151

Revere Community School program is funded in part by :-

City of Revere

Revere Community Development Block Grant,

Foundation Trust

Revere CARES

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