English Language Learners

Prioritizing the needs of English Language Learners

When we consider the science regarding how the brain learns to read we often refer to the Simple View of reading. This theoretical model depicts reading as the product of decoding and language comprehension. Those who are native English speakers, meaning those who are learning to read in their first language (L1) and those who are learners of English, meaning those who are learning to read in their second language(L2) go through the same process. These children who are learning to read must connect letters to speech sounds. "As L1 readers do this, they bind orthography(the spelling system) to an already present knowledge of phonology and semantics. L2 readers require additional support because they do not have an "already present knowledge of phonology and semantics." Goldenburg,C. 2020, Using the Science of Reading to Improve Literacy Instruction for English Learners, CORE.

In short English Language learners need extra support because as they approach learning to read they do not have the same experiences with spoken English as do their English speaking peers.

Below you will find resources that provide additional information.

On-Demand Webinar

Using the Science of Reading to Improve Literacy Instruction for English Learners

Language transfers

Connecting Speech to print isn't easy for English Language Learners. This document can help you learn why and how to help.

How to Teach English Learners Based on the Science of Reading

An Interview with

Dr. Jana Echevarria