Ms. Bhatt

Room 734

About Mrs. Bhatt:

Hello Everybody!

I am Kavita Bhatt. This will be my 7th year at Round Rock High School and am very happy to be a part of the Big RRHS family.

I have a Bachelor's degree in Biology from University of Texas at Dallas (UTD) and have been in public education for last eight years in Dallas and Austin.

At home, I have two wonderful boys and a very supportive husband. When I am not busy at work, I like to spend time with my family and go hiking. Also, my hobbies include painting, reading and visiting places of historical importance.

Very excited to embark on a journey with my freshman Biologists.....................


1st- Advanced/TAG Biology

2nd- Advanced/TAG Biology

3rd- Advanced/TAG Biology

4th- Conference

5th- Advanced Biology

6th- Advanced Biology

8th- Advanced Biology

Contact me:

Campus Phone: 512-464-6259


Room number: 734