Parent Resources

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Crisis Resources


recommendations by the Center of Disease Control and Prevention.

Facebook Live video chats with expert clinicians (10AM and 4:30PM)

many links to more resources about anxiety, behavior, self-care, mindfulness, panic attacks, transitions, melt downs and sibling conflict among others.

article by the National Association of School Psychologists.

tools and strategies by the Center of Disease Control and Prevention.

Coronal virus information and resources.


Be patient and use simple words.


Be patient and try to understand what's behind their behavior.

Crisis Resources

School Violence

The National Child Traumatic Stress Network

Parent Guidelines for Helping Youth after the Recent Shooting

Helping Kids after a Shooting

a lot of links with may resources by the American School Counselor Association

Resources to Help Children in the Wake of a School Shooting

School Shootings and other Traumatic Events: How to Talk to Students

by the National Education Association

Community Resources

Educational and Social/Emotional Apps