Week 16-8th

Learning Goal:

  • Students will learn about algorithm problem solving and how algorithms are processes can be used to solve problems, make decisions, and complete tasks.
  • Students will identify algorithms in everyday life.
  • Students will identify inputs, such as materials and actions needed to complete a task, and outputs, such as information or products that result from the algorithmic process.
  • Students will understand that a problem needs to be defined, with inputs and the desired output, as the first step in solving the problem
  • Students will learn methods that can help analyze problems, such as decomposition and abstraction.
  • Students will understand that an existing algorithm can be used to create a new algorithm by modifying the process depending on the needs of the new situation


    • Sit with groups
    • One person print the Story Board to JMS RM11 printer
    • 10 minutes of typing in Urban Keyboarding Explorer.

Lesson (Wait for teacher instruction):