Letters to Year 6 from The Current Year 7

To the new Year 7s,

I know you might feel worried right now but there is absolutely nothing to worry about. Rosebery have done an incredible job to welcome us into year 7 and they will do the same with you too. At first I was quite nervous to be going to a completely new school and having to make new friends. However now I feel confident and happy to go to school and hang out with my new friends. It may take a bit of time to adjust to the new environment but you will get used to it and soon feel like there isn’t a single negative thought on your mind. You may feel slightly intimidated by the older students and teachers but there is nothing to worry about as everyone is always so kind there. If I could tell my Year 6 self one thing that I have learnt it would be that you are definitely not the only nervous person here so do not be scared. 

If you ever feel ill or upset about something you can visit the hive. The people there are always kind and helpful and can give support and advice.

You may feel anxious that your friends are in a different form from you but you don’t need to stress about it, as during year 7, there are many opportunities to make new friends and bond with your form. I remember finding out that not many people I knew were in my form and it was quite upsetting although now I am glad that happened as I met new  friends who are all such positive, smiley people. And there are always chances to see your old friends at break, lunch or if you share any lessons.

Whilst you are at Rosebery, there will be multiple opportunities to organise, take part in and buy things from fundraisers. No matter if you have great leadership skills, artistic skills or team skills there is a role in these events for everyone. I have definitely liked that there are a variety of sports and clubs you can join depending on what you enjoy. You can take part in these with your friends and have so much fun doing what you love! There are also house events where you can take part in a sport with your form. This can build friendships while doing something exciting.

I hope you are excited about year 7 and don’t have any more worries. I can guarantee you that you will enjoy it and have a great time! Good luck (not that you’ll need it) with your Rosebery journey.

-Sabrina 7MX


To the new Year 7s, 

Year 7 has helped me explore new places and learn new things whilst making more friends! At first, I was scared for starting Rosebery, however my form tutor and friends helped me settle into Year 7. I have had a great time connecting with old and new friends and having an amazing time every day. 

On the first day of summer school, I remember seeing what felt like thousands of people in the quad, but the teachers were very welcoming and helped me make new friendships in the form. Now that we have settled in, we cannot wait for sports day, residentials and the years that follow!

We hope you all enjoy Rosebery the same way as we are 🙂 

Mabel and Summer (7MY) 


To the future Year 7’s, 

Hello new year 7 students, welcome to Rosebery! This time last year I was a Year 6 student worrying about going to a massive new school. However, I want to reassure you that everything becomes familiar quickly and if you are worried, there is always someone to talk to. The Form Tutors are really supportive and the Head and Deputy Head of Year are super.  

Firstly, clubs. There are so many to enroll in and there is lots of opportunity to make new friends. At the start of the year, everyone got a club card with eight circles on it – you get a signature in a circle every time you go to a club! I love going to badminton and Year 7 band. Anyway, there is a club for everyone and everyone is welcome.  

Secondly, events. There are lots of events that you can participate in, such as: the Year 7 PGL trip to Osmington Bay, the Halloween Craft Party, the Year 7 Panto trip, the Easter Bonnet competition and Drills 4 Skills (this takes place in form time). One of my favourite events are the House Games. They are a great time to show teamwork, determination and leadership. They are also super fun! 

Lastly, lessons. There may be some lessons that are new to you this year, like possibly science, languages and music. There are five lessons a day and each lesson lasts one hour. The thought of walking around to get to your next lesson or even getting lost can be a bit scary for some of you but you should never be afraid to ask for directions – it happens to everyone. Finally, there are lots of different and exciting topics that you will learn about in class. My favourite so far is Shakespeare in English.   

I have a good time with all of my new friends every day and I know you will too! Remember always have courage and be kind! Good luck for the wonderful year ahead.  


Sophie 7MX 


Dear Future Year 7,

We have had an amazing first year as Year 7s and wish to tell you all about all the fantastic experiences and people you will get and meet at Rosebery! 

Every form has a Form-Tutor that will let you know about any important information and notices. They are really kind and friendly, so feel free to tell them anything! At Rosebery we have different teachers and classrooms for every lesson! This might seem a bit daunting at first but everyone here is very kind and understanding (even if you get lost!). We were originally scared of moving up to secondary school, but from the moment we walked in we were immediately comforted by all the friendly faces and eager to meet all our new classmates and look around our new school.

There are so many enrichment clubs at Rosebery that you can take part in. Whatever you may like, let it be Tennis, Choirs, Musical bands, Cheerleading, Netball, Drama, or anything in between, you can be sure that you’ll find the right things for you and try out new things. At Rosebery we give you the opportunity to compete against other schools; learn new skills and find new talents! They are also a really great opportunity for making friends across the year group! 

Support is always there for you if you need it. Every teacher is there to help get the best out of you, and they believe the possibilities of what you could achieve are endless! The food here at Rosebery is great, the canteen soon becomes everyone's firm favourite place with its famous cookies! You will also learn how to speak a different language, act out different plays in Drama and win medals and prizes in district sport events — these are just some of the amazing opportunities at Rosebery!

Throughout the year there are numerous events to look forward to such as: Movie nights, residentials, House events, Sports day and so much more! Make sure you get involved in all the amazing activities at Rosebery and we hope to see you next year!

Aaliyah-Zaina and Aysa 7EY