Please find below the link to access your emails, Bromcom and Google Classroom. Click on the icons below to be redirected to each platform. You should use your school computer login details to log in to each platform. Your username will be 16 followed by your surname, the initial of your first name,1 - @glfschools.org

(e.g. Jane Smith would be: 16smithj1@glfschools.org)

Homework will be set through Bromcom. Your teachers may also use Google Classroom to provide you with further information on your homework, so please ensure that you can access this and that you check both platforms (Bromcom and Google Classroom) when doing your homework.

If you need anything Miss Canessa and Miss Linehan are at the end of an email and we will do all we can to ensure you can access the necessary platforms for your homework.

We also run a Year 7 Homework Club every Tuesday after school from 3:15pm to 4:15pm in OK2 and OK4. All students are welcome and you will have access to support to help you complete your work, as well as a computer each week. 

Useful Links: