You Are Awesome Resources

On Friday 3rd December, students will be participating in their You Are Awesome Team Building Afternoon, during Period 5. It will be a fantastic opportunity to bond, make new friends and enjoy creative problem solving through fun challenges. 

Summer Challenges
Hopefully you have your book, bookmark and challenge card now. Here's a reminder of the activities on the challenge card, to help you find your confidence and dare to be brilliant at (almost) anything...Activity 1Read 'You Are Awesome'Tick, circle, highlight, cross out each chapter on your challenge card as you go. You might even want to read the book with your mum, dad, sister, brother, gran, grandad, dog or cat.Activity 2List Your DreamsWhat would you like to be awesome at during your time at Rosebery? Choose one of these to make a reality. Note down what you want to be awesome at on the challenge card.Activity 3Adopt A Growth Mindset Before you make your plan to get awesome at something, let's get in to the right mindset. Turn to p.58 and p.59. Check Your Mindset. Which of these sounds most like you? See if you can move from a fixed to a growth mindset. Start to change the language in your mind to the growth mindset phrases on p.61. Activity 4 Make A Worry JarWhat are the things your tend to worry about which might stop you from trying something new or hard? Write them on some slips of paper. Put them in a worry jar - any jar or pot will do. In a week's time look at the slips of paper again and see whether those worries still apply. Throw away any that don't. Do you still have worries left? Can they be resolved? If not, talk to someone about them or keep them safe and ask your tutor in September. Activity 5Make Your PlanRemember the section in the book about marginal gains. What small things can you do regularly to get really good at your chosen thing? Practice and practising are key. Plan time to pracitce. Feedback is important - who can help with this? Can you find a partner or opponent to join you along the way, or to push you that bit further - remember Matthew's brother in Chapter 1? Activity 6 Practise, lots! Activity 7 Plan for the WorstSo, you've practised, lots. You are on the way to becoming Kid Awesome. It's time to perform. You might be feeling the pressure. What if you choke at the last minute? What if things start to go wrong? Don't worry, you can can plan for this.Think about your thing/task/event. Write down all of the things that could go wrong. Now think about what you would do if these things actually happened. For example, if you're acting in a play, then there's a chance you might forget your lines. In this case, identifying someone you can turn to for a prompt could mean the difference between a minor pause and a major nightmare.  Activity 8Don't Stop NowNow that you've read the book, completed the activities and started to become awesome (at something), think about the possibilities for secondary school.You can use everything you have learned when you start at Rosebery, from packing your bag (in the most awesome way, every day) through to becoming awesome at Art, Geography, Music, English + all the other subjects, finding your way around, making friends, acting in the school play, singing in the choir, playing football and so on. This final activity starts here, but is ongoing! Good luck and we'll see you in September. Miss Canessa and Miss Linehan