Careers Information, Education and Guidance
We provide excellent and ambitious learning experiences for ALL; where the school community has a sense of cohesion, belonging, positive relationships, recognition and appreciation'
Our Vision
Our vision is to support, engage, and enable learners to build confidence, resilience, and motivation to achieve their full potential and fulfill their ambitions. Through ‘Compassionate Excellence,’ we aspire, care, and include, resulting in inspired, confident, and fulfilled young people.
We provide excellent and ambitious career learning experiences for all students. By fostering cohesion, belonging, positive relationships, recognition, and appreciation, we ensure students leave ready to face future career challenges. Our commitment to compassionate excellence equips students with the skills and mindset to thrive in a dynamic world.
Monitor and enhance learners’ engagement with the careers programme throughout their time at The Romsey School, ensuring support in raising their aspirations while being aware of the ever-changing and competitive world.
Integrate career education within the curriculum, ensuring that students can see clear connections between their academic learning and future career opportunities.
Establish and expand a relevant network of partners and providers who can engage learners in developing their career pathways. These partners will collaborate with subject areas and key stages to create opportunities for learners to see clear links between their subject learning and the world of work.
Maintain open and effective communication with parents, involving them in the careers education process to support their children’s aspirations and career development.
Supporting Aspirations: Helping students identify and pursue their individual career goals and aspirations
Improving Attainment: Ensuring students achieve their academic potential, which is essential for their future career success
Positive Destinations: Guiding students towards further education, vocational training, or employment that aligns with their skills and interests
Inclusivity: Addressing the needs of specific groups, such as looked-after children, young carers, and those from economically disadvantaged backgrounds
Career Management Skills: Developing skills like adaptability, resilience, and employability
Digital Technologies: Utilising digital tools to support career development alongside traditional face-to-face guidance
The Department for Education expects all secondary schools and colleges to use the internationally recognised Gatsby Benchmarks. The benchmarks are non-statutory but support schools and colleges by providing a framework around which they can develop their careers programme in line with their legal requirements to provide independent careers advice to pupils throughout their secondary education.
The Romsey School aligns our Careers Strategy to the CDI (Careers Development Institute) Framework.
It identifies six learning areas that Career Programmes and Intervention should focus on:
We are proud to work alongside:
Allie Clarke - Assistant Head Teacher and Senior Link for Careers Education -
‘High quality careers education and guidance in school and college is critical to young people’s futures. It helps to prepare them for the workplace by providing a clear understanding of the world of work including the routes into jobs and careers that they might find engaging and rewarding. It supports them to acquire the self-development and career management skills they need to achieve positive employment destinations. This helps students to choose their pathways, improve their life opportunities and contribute to a productive and successful economy.’