Mentoring Minds

Grades 3-5

What is Mentoring Minds?

Mentoring Minds is a supplementary program focusing on Language Arts, Math, and/or Science curriculum. Teachers can use either print or online units and lessons that align with core instruction and North Carolina standards. Students can complete online assessments and/or print materials that align with these lessons. It is designed to tackle critical thinking skills and content standards, Mentoring Minds helps students to meet benchmarks and readiness for end of year assessments.

To learn more about Mentoring Minds click HERE.

Log In Help

How do I help my child Log In?

  1. Log In HERE.

  2. Use the first part of your Rockingham County Schools email address. (example: if your email is then your user name for Mentoring Minds is rb12345)

  3. Student passwords are set to the student birthday- (Month, Day, Year, r, ?) MMDDYYYYr? (ex: If student birthday is February 19, 2003 then their password would be 02192003r?)

Password HelP

If your child does not remember their username or password please contact:

Your Child's Teacher
