Our results

Rits IB Diploma Scores

Over the past five most recent cohorts, Rits IB students have earned an average IB score of 33.1 with a pass rate of 93%. The world figures below are from the November 2020 exam set.



Rits IB University Destinations

On average, nearly half of every cohort attends university in Japan while the other half attends overseas. The most popular overseas destinations are: The United States, The United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and The Netherlands, while "other" students have attended university in: Singapore, Spain, Abu Dhabi, China, New Zealand, India, and Estonia.

Rits IB大学の留学先


Rits IB University Matriculations

The detailed map below displays where students have studied. When you hover over the circles you can find the name of the university and how many students have attended school there. The map does not display well on mobile devices. Please view on a PC for the best display.



Rits IB University Pathways

The IB Diploma is a well respected high school diploma around the world. A minimum passing score, IB 24, can earn students university placements in nearly any country. Hover over the grade bands in the left column below to see where Rits IB students scoring in those ranges go, or hover over the country bands in the right column below to see what scores students earned to get there. The size of the bands in all parts of the diagram are proportional, e.g., about half of our students attend university in Japan and thus the Japan band comprises about half of the country column. Countries are listed in reverse-alphabetical order. The diagram does not display well on mobile devices. Please view on a PC for the best display.

Rits IB University Pathways
