Charlie Zylstra

Super Chicken


Charlie Zylstra

You’ll never forget the story about Super Chicken. Super Chicken had been trying to fly for about thirty minutes. He had been practicing for a long time to be able to fly in the air longer.

Super Chicken and a bad guy named Nazooney had met before. Nazooney had attacked Super Chicken before in the city they lived in. Super Chicken had forgotten about Nazooney when all of a sudden he heard the sound of Nazooney while he was practicing his flying high in the air.

Super Chicken flew down where he heard Nazooney and started fighting him in the street. Nazooney had a big red dot on his chest that could shoot lasers. He also had a hatch near the red dot that had a switch inside that could turn him on or off. Super Chicken landed on Nazooney and openened the hatch and turned off his power. When Nazooney powered off, he fell on top of a building which caused the building to fall over on top of him. Nazooney caught on fire and then the whole city caught on fire.

Super Chicken was able to escape by flying away to safety. The other chickens that lived in the city were also able to escape by running away. Super Chicken and the other chickens worked together to put out the fire in the city.

Super Chicken will continue to fight any other robots that are made that try to harm chickens. He is truly a Super Chicken!!