Student Support Services


West Bergen Mental Health–Students Recommended by Team

Individual, family and group counseling for students presenting with emotional difficulties that are seriously affecting their academic and social functioning.    

Child Study Team – Students Who Qualify

Individual and group support to students, available through the IEP or Intervention and Referral Services team.

Counseling – All Students & Parents

Full range of counseling services in the personal, academic and college fields.

Crisis Intervention Counselors (CIC) – All Students & Parents

Trained social workers available for student and family support.

English as a Second Language (ESL) – All qualified students with limited capabilities in speaking, reading, and writing English and for whom English is a second language

Classroom instruction simultaneously in English language skills and content.

Freshmen F.O.C.U.S.

Friendly Outreach for a Community of Understanding & Success – All 9th Grade Students

 Designed to assist 9th graders to ease the transition to a new building and academic setting.

Health Services – All Students

A full-time Certified Nurse and Athletic Trainer on staff.

Home Instruction – Students must be absent from school for at least 10 consecutive days due to illness and have medical certifications.  

Support in academic subjects for students who cannot attend school due to medical reasons.

Intervention & Referral Services (I&RS) – All students exhibiting behaviors for concern

Faculty assessment team to consider underlying causes of student difficulties.

Learning Commons – All Students

Books, reference materials, periodicals, newspapers, videos, camera equipment and editing facilities are among the tools available for faculty and student use.  The facility is widely utilized by independent student learners, as well as students accompanied by their classroom teachers. 

Faculty and students may seek assistance from professional and paraprofessional staff from 7:30 am until 3:00 pm (M-F) for research using print and electronic sources.  It remains open until 4:15 pm.  Computer stations are fully networked, offering access to the on-line card catalog, Internet and databases. Open computer labs are available for individual use and class assignment. 

Peer Counselors – All 9th Grade Students

Trained 11th and 12th grade students lead Freshmen Focus Groups.

Period 9 – All Students

Open period reserved for students to visit academic teachers .

Peer Tutoring – All Students

National Honor Society members provide peer tutoring before and after school. 

Quiet Study Hall – All Students

Supervised silent study area.

Senior F.O.C.U.S

Section 504 Accommodations – Students determined to be eligible through the 504 Committee

Classroom and testing accommodation plan developed to meet individual student needs.

Sophomore F.O.C.U.S

Special Education Program/Academic Assistance/Supplemental Support – Students determined to be eligible for services through a designated Child Study Team

Specially designed instruction for students with identified disabilities. Small group learning strategies, tutoring, academic monitoring.