Family & Consumer Science
These elective programs are available to students in grades 9 through 12. All course offerings are for one semester. The objectives of the Family and Consumer Sciences Program are to develop skills and increase knowledge in the ideas of food preparation and nutrition, interior design and related arts, and child development.
Child Development I (7979HL)
Elective Semester Course; Level - College Prep; Grades 9-12
Credit Value: 2.5
Prerequisite: None
This is a unit for students interested in working with children. Coursework includes the physical, social, emotional and intellectual development from the prenatal period to age six. When taken as a semester course, course work additionally includes such timely topics as the gifted child, child abuse, children’s literature, children and television, children and divorce, and child-related careers. All students are responsible for planning and teaching lessons to three to five year old children in a weekly “preschool.”
Consumerism (7859HL)
Elective Semester Course; Level - College Prep; Grades 9-12
Credit Value: 2.5
Prerequisite: None
Students will identify the difference between a small business and cottage industry. Each student will create market research for the development of a food business they choose. Students will select a food product to manufacture, serve, or sell and explore the opportunities in the small food business.
Introduction to Foods & Nutrition (7829HL)
Elective Semester Course; Level - College Prep; Grades 9-12
Credit Value: 2.5
Prerequisite: None
This unit is designed for students interested in learning basic food preparation techniques. Emphasis is placed on proper nutrition to promote wellness. Laboratory experiences include principles of baking (breads, pastry, cakes, cookies), vegetable and fruit cookery, cooking with grains and dairy products, and economical preparation of meat and poultry dishes. The semester course incorporates meal planning and foreign foods. Throughout the course, students will learn the role of nutrients and the importance of establishing a high carbohydrate, low fat eating regiment.
Foods of the World (7839HL)
Elective Semester Course; Level - College Prep; Grades 9-12
Credit Value: 2.5
Prerequisite: Intro to Foods & Nutrition
This is a unit assigned for students interested in studying the eating habits of various countries. Students will learn about the countries culture, resources, geography, and food habits. Typical dishes of the country are prepared. Advanced cooking techniques will be learned. Emphasis will be placed on each country’s diet and their overall health as a nation.
Tomorrow's Teachers (7849HL)
Elective Full-Year Course; Level - Honors; Grades 11-12
Credit Value: 5.0
Prerequisite: Teacher Recommendation
This one-year course provides high school students, who have expressed an interest in the teaching profession, with an opportunity to actively explore teaching and learning through collaborative exercises, rich discussions, examples, and practice of effective teaching strategies.