Senior FOCUS


Senior Focus is designed to assist students with the college process. Students will meet with counselors in a small group setting EIGHT times during the first quarter of the school year. During this time, Guidance Counselors work with students to navigate the college process as it pertains to RHS policies and procedures as well as to help them complete their applications and supplemental materials, such as essays.


These informative meetings help to alleviate some of the stress that goes with the college application process and gives students some allotted time to work on their applications and essays, while being able to get feedback from our experienced counseling staff.  


Students meet once during every four-day rotation.  Although some students will already have completed or submitted applications over the summer, there are still remaining steps to be completed that are unique to RHS in order to finish the process and have their applications marked at “Complete.” The intention is for this time to be as purposeful as possible so that students have access to all our counselor’s expertise as well as learning the process in which RHS submits college applications.  


Topics covered during Senior Focus: