Former EHS teacher collects for U.N. fund

Retired Ike teacher, Jane Roberts, will be traveling to the east coast this week to attend a press conference dealing with the U.N. campaign she and a women in New Mexico began this summer. The two are asking 34 million Americans to send $1 each to the United Nations Family Planning Association to make up for a deficit in the U.N. Population Fund.

In addition, while Mrs. Roberts is in New York, she will attend the inauguration fo the U.S. Committee's pictorial "Family of Women." Mrs. Roberts has also been asked to become a member of the honorary committee for the 2003 Family of Woman Educational Committee.

Those interested in sending $1 may send their contributions to the U.S. Committee for UNFPA, 220 W. 42nd. St., Suite 2800, New York, NY 10017.