The British are visiting

During the weeks of February 4 - 15, 2002, Eisenhower High School hosted three teachers from England. They were sponsored by TIPD - Teachers' International Professional Development Programme. TIPD offers over 2,500 teachers each year the opportunity to experience world class teaching in different countries.

The program draws together networks of schools, teachers and Local Authorities working in partnership to examine models of good practice, to engage and share in professional dialogue with colleagues across the world and to demonstrate that what happens in our classrooms can be influenced by positive examples from overseas.

The three teachers spent time exploring the Eisenhower campus and team teaching with some of the faculty. Below is a little information about our guests.

Mrs. Anne Butler is a teacher of Textiles and is the Assistant Head of Year 9 at Parkside School in Bradford, England. She and her husband, Andrew, have three children: Marcus, age 26; Simm, age 23; and Rosie, age. 17.

Mr. Tony Carlyle is a teacher of Geography and History and is the Head of Humanities at Challenge College in Bradford, England. He and his wife, Wendy, have 2 children: Becky, age 19, and Jennie, age 16.

Mrs. Julia Wright is a teacher of Business; Information, Communication and Technology (ICT); and Vocational Education at Laisterdyke High School in Bradford, England. She and her husband, Jeff, have 2 children: Francesca, age 8, and Dan, age 6.

During their visit, Eagle's Eye Advisor-Mr. Ron Patterson had the chance to interview our guests. When asked of their overall impression of Ike, they responded that they were impressed by the size of our campus and by how polite and calm our students are.

For those interested in where Bradford is located in the UK, click here to see a map.

For those interested in where Bradford is located in the UK, look at the map.