Internship Program Places Students at Over 35 Locations

Some facts about the Internship Program at Ike

  1. Over 50 juniors and seniors are interning at over 35 different locations.

  2. Over 30 seniors have already received acceptance letters to over 25 four-year universities. Some of the colleges are: University of California at Riverside, Santa Barbara, Santa Cruz, Irvine, and Davis, University of Southern California, university of La Verne, University of Redlands, Chapman College, Azusa Pacific, California State San Bernardino, Pomona, and Monterey Bay.

  3. Scholarship Portfolios are completed are completed and ready for display.

  4. Juniors and seniors visited six 4-year universities during the months of October and November.

  5. We went to a Visitation Day at Crafton Hills College.

  6. In April we will go to Riverside Community College for a tour.

  7. In April internship will prepare for mock job interviews.