💻Tech Best Practices

Tech Best Practices

Campaign Overview: 

This campaign proves vital in establishing Digital Literacy Curriculum and Standards in any school district.  In order for digital literacy and tech coaches to remain effective, coaches must work to vertically align the digital literacy curriculum.  Furthermore, a strong Tech Best Practices initiative can provide the anchor from which teachers can lead students through these essential standards.  Often, teachers include digital literacy standards in their instruction, without knowing they do so.  This only becomes problematic when teachers who work in the same district deliver conflicting messages to students.  This causes confusion in students--especially since older students see as many as 7-10 teachers during a school year, all of whom may address skills differently.  


This campaign aims to create uniformity and alignment within districts in the areas of digital organization, digital assignment distribution and collection, email standards and procedures, research and citation methods, and digital citizenship. 

Tech Best Practices: Resources for Coaches

Best Practices: Admin Survey

Create a survey that meets the needs of your building or district to gather important information from your admin team.  This example was used by Coach Jess in her three building district. 

Best Practices: Teacher Survey

Create a survey to gather insight regarding the current use of technology in the building(s) and to gather data regarding the vision teachers have for progress in your building and/or district.

Tech Best Practices: Resources for Teachers

Best Practices: Drive

Google Drive

Best Practices: Gmail


Best Practices: Google Chrome


Best Practices: MLA Format and Citations

MLA Format and Citations

Digital Best Practices: Google Classroom

Google Classroom

Creating Safe Passwords Lesson

Creating Safe Passwords

Beginner: Google Search Pear Deck Lesson

Searching Google

Beginner 2: Understanding Search Results Lesson

Understanding Your Search

Beginner 3: Evaluating Sources Lesson

Evaluating Sources

RefreshED: Beginning the Year Checklist
RefreshED: End the Year Checklist