🏀March Madness

March Madness

Campaign Overview:

March Madness provides the coach with the opportunity to get into classrooms they have not visited, which further develops teacher and student relationships, while building curriculum knowledge. When creating the March Madness choice board, refreshED coaches recommend meeting with your Tech Director or admin team to discuss underutilized subscriptions in the district. Often, teachers do now know they have access to platforms, which constitutes the reason for under-usage. Create a choice board that reflects the needs and vision of the district. Providing incentives like additional prep time, free lunch, and SWAG, motivates teachers to branch outside of their comfort zones. Prizes also create buzz and excitement, making March the PERFECT month for this fun campaign.


This campaign aims to get tech coaches into more classrooms so they can continue to build relationships and acclimate themselves to the curriculum. This campaign further aims to encourage teachers to try new tech tools and to take risks with 21st century learning standards in their classrooms.

🏀March Madness 2022


Middle/High School