🎯SMART Goals

S.M.A.R.T. Goals 

Campaign Overview: 

The school year typically begins with teachers creating S.M.A.R.T. goals for their evaluation process.  Typically, teachers formally submit goals by the beginning of October.  Creating goals, however, can add unnecessary stress to teachers as they acclimate themselves to their new classroom environment.  The refesheED coaches find success when using team goals, or when teachers have a menu of goal options to select from.  This, especially for new coaches, can help establish relationships and get the coach coaching at the early onset of the school year.  

To create a menu of SMART goal option to present to teachers, the coach must first discuss the district and/or school improvement plans with administration.  The SMART goal options should clearly support the vision of the district, and they should further align with the school improvement plans.  The administration must approve the SMART goal options prior to coaches working with teachers.  As coaches do not evaluate teachers, input from administration becomes a crucial component of this process.


This campaign aims to help coaches establish relationships with teachers at the beginning of the school year through support of the evaluation process.