☀️Bright Spots

Bright Spots Campaign

Campaign Overview:

The Bright Spots Campaign celebrates teacher's successes, risks, and growth in the classroom. Sharing Bright Spots with the entire faculty allows the word to spread regarding coaching, which encourages more teachers to take advantage of coaching services. Word of mouth advertising proves invaluable, and the Bright Spots Campaign helps to achieve this.

To begin, the coach should decide how they want to run the campaign. refreshED coaches recommend creating a campaign flier (see example using Canva below) and a Google Form to collect submissions. The coach should decide how to distribute the information to the staff. You may choose to include it in a monthly newsletter, in an email, or print fliers for faculty mailboxes. refreshED coaches recommend using all three methods to ensure you reach the entire staff. We also recommend creating a QR code attached to the Google Form to allow for easy submission by teachers.


This campaign aims to generate conversations regarding coaching in the district. By celebrating teacher's successes in the classroom, Bright Spots stories will encourage new or reticent teachers to engage in the coaching process.

Campaign Participation Form

Create a Google Form to collect responses from teachers. Generate a QR code that teachers can scan with their phones to submit a response. Consider leaving fliers, with the QR code in teacher's mailboxes.