RMS Health Office 

Jill Komosinski , RN


 (908) 534-3810 

Fax (908) 923-8614 

Maureen Sjonell



(908) 534-3809 

Fax (908) 923-8614

Health Office Forms Genesis Message June 2024

In Spanish 

Cuándo mantener a su hijo en casa por enfermedad

Los estudiantes que tengan una temperatura de 100F o más deben permanecer en casa hasta que estén "libres de fiebre" durante 24 horas sin medicamentos para reducir la fiebre como (ibuprofeno o acetaminofeno).

Los estudiantes que hayan experimentado vómitos y/o diarrea deben estar libres de esas molestias durante 24 horas antes de regresar a la escuela.

Cuando su hijo se quede en casa, llame a:

Línea de Asistencia (908) 534-2113 Aviso #1

-deje el nombre de su hijo, el grado y la naturaleza de la enfermedad.

When to keep your child home for illness

Students who have a temperature of 100F or greater must remain home until " fever free" for 24 hours without fever reducing medicine like (Ibuprofen or Acetaminophen).  

Students who have experienced vomiting and/or diarrhea must be free of those complaints for 24 hours before returning to school.

When your child is staying home please call:: 

Attendance Line (908) 534-2113  Prompt #1 

-leave your child's name, grade, and the nature of the illness. 

Student Injuries 

Physical Education Exclusions In the event of illness or injury, a nurse may excuse a student from participation in physical education class. The student’s parent or physician must submit a written explanation of the condition preventing or limiting participation in gym class. The nurse will consider each request to determine whether the condition warrants a “limited” or “full” excuse from physical activities. Exclusions of 2 consecutive classes or more require a health provider’s note. Student athletes who are excused from participation in a PE class will not be allowed to participate in any athletic team activities occurring that same day. If a doctor or other health provider has written a note limiting a student’s physical activities then the parent must also obtain a note from the health provider indicating when the student is able to resume full participation in physical activities. Alternate educational activities may be provided for students with serious injuries requiring exclusions lasting several weeks or months. Physical education teachers will provide additional information about dress codes, participation expectations, make-up classes and grading policies.