6th & 7th Grade Information 

In-coming 6th Grade Students:

In Spanish click: Atencion a los futuros padres de 6 

Tdap and Meningococcal Vaccines are required. 

Please submit a vaccine record showing receipt of these vaccines as soon as your child receives them or documentation of a medical or religious exemption, if applicable.

You may FAX your child's record to (908)923-8614 or email to  msjonell@readington.k12.nj.us or jkomosinski@readington.k12.nj.us

 Information about meningococcal disease can be found here  https://www.state.nj.us/health/cd/documents/faq/meningococcal_faq.pdf

Meningococcal Invasive Disease 

Please read the sports and medical forms pages carefully as much of this information may be new to you. Reach out to the nurses with any questions we are happy to help you successfully complete the paperwork!! If it's on the form it's important.

Grade Six Requirements Tdap Vaccine & Meningitis 

Grade Six Requirements Tdap Vaccine

Q: Some sixth graders are not 11 years old. I’m guessing that a

10-year-old would not have to receive Tdap until age 11 to meet the

requirement for school attendance, is that correct?

A: Yes, a 10-year-old would not be required to receive the Tdap vaccine

until 11 years of age and in grade six or higher per NJ’s immunization

regulations. The Department recommends the dose be received within two

weeks of the 11th birthday.

Although a Tdap given at age 10 is not required, it can count towards NJ’s

immunization requirement for sixth grade and higher. In accordance with

ACIP recent guidelines, a dose of Tdap is recommended to be given at 10

years and older.

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 Meningococcal Vaccine

Summary of N.J.S.A. 18A:40-21.2 (P.L.2006, c.64):

The Commissioner of Health, in consultation with the Commissioner of Education, shall develop an educational fact sheet concerning meningococcal meningitis for distribution to parents or guardians of students grades 6 through 12. These fact sheets have been distributed in a manner prescribed by the Commissioner of Education since 2007. This is required for public

Updated: August 2020 17 | P a g e

schools and voluntary for private schools. The VPDP has prepared a meningococcal educational brochure titled, “Meningococcal Disease: Are You Protected?”. It is available in English and Spanish at the following website, http://nj.gov/health/cd/topics/meningo.shtml

Q: Some sixth graders will not be 11 years old. I’m guessing that a 10-year-old would not have to be in compliance with the sixth-grade meningococcal vaccine requirement until he or she reaches 11, is that correct?

A: Yes, a 10-year-old entering sixth grade will not be required to receive the meningococcal-containing vaccine until they turn 11 years of age. However, in accordance with ACIP recommendations, meningococcal vaccine (MenACWY) given at age 10 or older would be acceptable and meet NJ’s immunization requirements for school attendance.