MES Digital Learning Integration

What is it?

Digital Learning Standards are comprehensive statements that explain foundational knowledge and skill expectations of what students are expected to know or be able to do.

How We Do It:

McHarg Elementary strives to integrate Digital Learning standards into the core curriculum and make them a regular part of a students day as much as possible. Students as young as Kindergarten use Seesaw Digital Portfolio to show what they know as an Empowered Learner, a Digital Citizen and to practice communication for real reasons, sharing what they are learning with the most important people in their lives, their families! Parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles and family friends can join and follow their child's Digital Journal, see what they are learning and even give them feedback to let them know how proud they are of their student's work.

How you can help!

Be sure you are connected to your child's Seesaw Journal. Communicate with your student and review the work together. Talk about leaving kind, helpful or encouraging comments on the work. (2nd grade students will learn to leave this type of comment)