Belle Heth

Health Education

What is it?

Through Health Education, students will

  • Acquire, interpret, and understand health concepts; and develop and apply a range of health skills needed to make appropriate health decisions (Content Knowledge)

  • Acquire and practice effective communication, relationship-, cooperation-, self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, responsible decision-making, and stress-management skills (Workplace Skills)

  • Engage in home, school, and community projects to enhance physical, mental, social, emotional, and environmental health (Community Engagement and Civic Responsibility)

  • Explore a variety of health-related career opportunities in health promotion, disease, injury, and substance abuse prevention, mental health, nutrition, and community health (Career Exploration)

How we do it:

Through our physical education classes, learning experiences are created and implemented that teach students how to identify healthy lifestyle habits, and to develop and practice individual and cooperative decision making skills. Factors that influence quality of life are introduced to students, along with options of activities that promote a long term healthy lifestyle.

How you can HELP!

Teach your child about healthy snacks and drinks and offer these options over options with sugar when available.

Take your child outside to play or for a walk when you can to encourage them to choose walking or being outside playing rather than sitting inside on nice days.

Limit screen time and spend more time being active.