ESF Design Day 2024

The day's timings:

9:30  Intro and opening speech by Luc Crowther (Head of Design) and Dr Harry Brown (School principal)

9:45  Key notes speaker 

9:55  Move to workshop 

10:00 Workshop Session 1 (1 hrs 15 mins)

11:15 Lunch (1hr)

12:15 Back in Hall for Souvenir handing out/ Group photo (15mins)

12:30 Move to workshop (5 mins)

12:35 Workshop Session 2 (1 hrs 15mins)

13:50 Closing Speech

13:55 Final closing

14:00 END

What is Design Day all about?

ESF Design Day is a one day event that brings students from our sister secondary ESF schools together to spend time with professionals from creative, design and business industries to understand more about the different professions and the opportunities that exist in these potential future pathways. 


The event has really evolved over the years and has broadened past the original idea of only 'designers' coming to share with the students. You can see from the website the breadth of guest speakers who want to be involved. More importantly you can see a snapshot of the students thoughts on the event, this is where I feel the value is truly measured.


The vision for the event is centered around creating a lifelong learning experience for our students with the support of Hong Kong's community. Bringing the outside in, putting young minds in touch with experienced creative design thinkers. 


It's a day where presenters can share their journey, passion, innovation, knowledge and daily practices with students. An event that allows students from many schools the opportunity to learn and create together.


To date the event has enriched 1,435 students from across 12 schools, this includes ESF secondary, local schools and other international schools. 

72 creative industry professionals from 50 brands have given up their time, unpaid, to support this event.

It was wonderful to see RC principal and management team from ESF Centre visit the 2019’s event and were very complimentary about the event and how it offered authentic learning.


We have been approached about connecting ESF Design Day to become a part of the annual Business of Design Week (BODW) as part of their education and community program. I have gone ahead with this for this year, as I feel this is beneficial to all stakeholders in connecting shared values. At this time it means putting each other’s logos and websites on our communication/ marketing. Hong Kong Design Centre (The organizer of BODW) can also support in connecting some local designers and invite guest speakers.

Email for more information.