Construction Management Technology One Stop Shop 

Dr. Kao Vang

RCCC Lead Construction Management Technology Instructor


Chris Belch

RCCC Construction Management Technology Instructor


On behalf of the CMT Program I would like to thank you all, the students for your interest in our program.  The purpose of this customized website is to ensure you have a positive experience during your time within the CMT Program from the very beginning until you walk across that stage to get your degree, diploma, or certificate.

We realize finding information can be challenging at times. For this reason, this website was created with our students in mind.  This one stop shop should take care of most if not all your needs.  We realize the value of your time and we have created this extension website to get you where you want to be quickly and painlessly. If we forgot something feel free to send us an email. and we encourage students to reach out to us with questions, comments, and suggestions to help make your journey are more enjoyable one.  

The CMT program is located at 660 Concord Parkway North in Concord, NC as shown in the map below.

Welcome Students! Let us know how we can help you to have a positive experience at RCCC.