Riddle Block 9


The Man Behind the Building

Henry W. Riddle, born in 1883 in Pittsburgh, was the man who constructed Riddle Block 9 shortly after the fire of the Empire-Mertz Block on March 15th, 1911.

Did You Know?

Riddle Block 9 is 110 years old.

The building is a 50,000 square foot brick structure with distinct urban designs that set it apart from the other buildings

The building that once stood where Riddle Block No.9 is was the Empire-Mertz building

Riddle Block 9 still remains the largest commercial building in downtown Ravenna

Fun Facts!

The mayor's office and city council was located in Riddle Block No.9 when Ravenna became a city in 1912

It only took Riddle 9 months to build Riddle Block 9 after it burnt down

In 2019, the building caught fire again but no visible evidence of the fire remains

Henry Riddle was also known as "Uncle Henry"

New Owners

Doug Shelton and Melissa Zapanta Shelton purchased the building earlier this year and have further plans to renovate it.

What's there now?

Catholic Charities is the only business in riddle block 9 at the moment. With the new owners and their big plans this won't be the only business here for long!