AP Gov Summer Assignment

  1. Join the AP Gov Google Classroom class . Code is udwm77w Also align with the course's Khan Academy course. Click the following link https://www.khanacademy.org/join/Z74RS4SU (Make sure you use your QCHS account)
  2. Purchase and read A Brilliant Solution: Inventing the American Constitution by Carol Berkin. I will be disturbing a guided reading handout later that will be collected on the first day of class. This will book will also be included in Unit 1 exam material to study.
  3. Complete the Constitution Overview Handout and submit it the first day of class.
  4. Write 3 Current Event Journal reflections on any event related to American government or civics. The article or media report you are reflecting must included one event for each of the Summer months. (One June, One for July, One for August). Further directions and format instructions can be found here. You are more than welcome to contact me to look over one reflection to see if you are doing it correctly.


The Foundation of American Democracy module in the Khan AP Government course will be assigned in the 1st unit to complete as homework. After you align with the course, you can get a head start on this assignment.