
The Seal of Civic Engagement Task Force was comprised of PVUSD students, teachers, board members, counselors, community members, and district and school site administrators.

Students work with former PVUSD Superintendent, Dr. Michelle Rodriguez


In three, 1 1/2 hour sessions, the Seal Task Force participants including students, finalized the 5 criteria for the PVUSD State Seal of Civic Engagement incorporating their voice.

Task Force Work:

A Brief History:

Assembly Bill 24 (2017) instructed the California Department of Education (CDE) to develop a set of criteria to award students who have demonstrated excellence in civic education.

“It is the intent of the Legislature to establish a State Seal of Civic Engagement (SSCE) to encourage, and create pathways for pupils in elementary and secondary schools to become civically engaged in democratic governmental institutions at the local, state and national levels.”

California Education Code (EC) Section 51470


"I gained new insights into what it means to be civically engaged. I learned so much about the importance of community involvement. Overall, I’m excited for this opportunity that students will have in motivating them to pursue meaningful projects."

- Morielle M.

"I really enjoyed getting  to work with others who are enthusiastic about promoting youth involvement in their community. I appreciate the opportunity to share my experience and grow in a group setting."

- Paula C.
