Grading System

Each student earns points with their daily work, the PE notebook (which they need to show regularly), the PE project (once every Quarter) and the PE Assessments

60 % - Class work /Daily participation, 10 points/day (points are given for quality of effort and meeting the standards and expectations  of the day, this includes 3 points for wearing proper attire)

 10 % - PE project

20 % - PE notebook

10 % - PE Assessments

Students must earn at least a 60% in Class work / Participation at the end of each grading period to earn a passing grade.

Please see Make up policies to check on ways to make up work.


At the end of the marking period, each student can add all the points earned and find out his or her grade.

90-100        A

80-89          B

70-79           C

60-69           D

0-59             F

* Once the Semester is over, students can NOT make up any work.

* Students must dress appropriately for Physical Education.