Medication During School Hours

Medications may be given during school hours, as long as all of the following criteria are met:

  • The parent or guardian should provide a written request for the administration of the prescribed medication at school.

  • Written orders are to be provided to the school nurse from the private physician, detailing the diagnosis or type of illness involved, the name of the drug, dosage, time of administration and the side effects. A separate authorization shall be submitted for each medication.

  • The medication should be brought to the school in the original container, appropriately labeled by the pharmacy or physician.

  • The school will provide a secured locked space for the safe storage of medication.

  • The school nurse or parent/guardian is the only one permitted to administer medication in the schools. The school nurse is not authorized by the Board of Education or the State of New Jersey to administer medication unless the above conditions are met.

If the above conditions are not met, medications will not be administered to your child. If you have any questions at all, please contact the school nurse at 856-540-6200 x 7834.