Logo Creation


  1. Choose a Client

    1. Work either individually or in pairs

    2. Choose one of the three Food Truck Options

    3. Understand that you will be creating a logo and advertisement for the food truck.

  2. Create a logo

    1. Understand that logos include minimal words

    2. Logos rely on pictures, slogans, and graphics to tell about the company

    3. Logos can also be different shapes and sizes

    4. The goal of a logo is to grab the customer's attention and have them remember the logo

    5. Create the logo on a piece of paper and make sure to add color if you need to.

  3. Create an advertisement

    1. Create an advertisement based on your client's needs.

    2. The advertisement needs to be a 25 second video clip.

    3. Remember, ad's are catchy and grab people's attention immediately.


Food Trucks:

Food trucks are sweeping our nation, and personally I love them. Typically great food, cheap prices, and you help local business.

Here is a CNBC report discussing food trucks briefly.