Welcome to our professional development opportunities page. In the rapidly evolving landscape of today, embracing the potential of artificial intelligence (AI) has become essential for educators. To this end, we recognize the significance of equipping educators with the necessary skills to navigate this transformative technology. The following professional development lectures offer a diverse range of AI-related topics provided by LinkedIn Learning, enabling you to enhance your knowledge and integrate AI principles into your teaching and administrative roles. With industry leaders and up-to-date content, embark on a transformative learning journey that will empower you to confidently embrace AI's impact in higher education and inspire the next generation of students.

Featured Webinars

Macmillan Learning is re-imagining authentic assessment in the age of open AI. This webinar focuses on generative AI's effect on student assessments. Dive into the challenges and opportunities of assessing learning in an era where cheating tools are rampant. Learn from educators navigating this new landscape and explore strategies for authentic evaluation.

Topics covered: 1) methods to maintain assessment integrity while leveraging AI for meaningful evaluations, 2) real-world approaches to modern, authentic assessment in the age of generative AI, and 3) the changing scope of assessment tools and their impact on education.

Skill Level: Beginner

Duration: 60 minutes

Discover the art of crafting captivating educational videos with Colossyan.

The Colossyan Bootcamp is designed to help you master the basics of creating impactful and captivating learning videos. You can sign up for free and upon completion, receive 30 minutes of free video generation.

Skill Level: Beginner to Intermediate

Duration: 40 minutes

Purdue Global - Center for Teaching & Learning (CTL)

Earn professional development for Purdue Global CTL events by attending live sessions and completing the corresponding reflection form or viewing the recording and completing the reflection form. The CTL uploads professional development hours monthly from the completed reflection forms to the faculty management system. 

Welcome to the AI Alchemy: Crafting the Perfect Prompt course, where you will embark on a journey to unravel the art and science behind crafting effective prompts. In this course, you will delve into the intricacies of prompt engineering, exploring its significance for students and faculty alike. As you navigate the rich landscape of prompt creation, you will uncover the key components that constitute a well-crafted prompt and equip you with practical tips to elevate your prompt engineering skills. 

UPDATED 02.24: This new version of CTL043: Writing Across the Curriculum now includes a module on artificial intelligence (AI). The new section addresses strategies for ethical AI use in the writing process and detecting and addressing students' AI use. 

This professional development course offers employees an in-depth exploration of artificial intelligence (AI). This course covers essential aspects of AI, including the AI technology landscape, generative AI, AI ethics, and practical applications across various professions. Additionally, it highlights the integration of AI within educational settings, such as its role in courses, curriculum development, and addressing issues related to originality. This comprehensive program aims to provide participants with a solid understanding of AI fundamentals and its diverse real-world implications, while also emphasizing ethical considerations.

In this session, participants will learn about the functioning of AI, compare text generators, and explore various applications of AI in understanding complex tasks, brainstorming, and conducting research. 

AI & Writing Reflection Form 

In this session, participants learn to recognize signs of student AI/ChatGPT use, identify AI detectors, understand the limitations of detectors, and become familiar with PG policies regarding student AI usage. 

AI & Writing Part 2 Reflection Form 

LinkedIn Learning

Explore a carefully curated learning path, available specifically to PG employees, showcasing a diverse range of content, all focused on the captivating world of generative AI learning, products and technologies. 

These courses invite employees to learn the basics of generative and conversational AI, including what it is, how it works, how to create your own content, different types of models, future predictions, and ethical implications. In addition, practical applications will be explored, including how to collaborate with AI tools in the best way. These trainings attempt to help you understand how you can incorporate AI into your everyday tasks, investigating ways to streamline tasks to achieve better 

In this course led by John Maeda, Microsoft's vice president of AI and design, you'll explore the transformative potential of large language models in reshaping business landscapes. By embracing AI, you'll not only innovate and adapt but also fortify your organization's resilience in the face of technological disruptions. Through creative analog learning methods, Maeda guides you in crafting a risk-aware AI strategy that capitalizes on opportunities while mitigating potential pitfalls, ultimately empowering you to navigate the future of business with confidence and foresight.

In an era marked by technological advancements and data-driven decision-making, the healthcare industry is undergoing a revolutionary transformation through the integration of Data Science and Artificial Intelligence (AI). The "Data Science and AI in the Healthcare Field" course, led by accomplished professional Wuraola Oyewusi, offers a comprehensive exploration of how these cutting-edge technologies are reshaping healthcare practices, from patient care and diagnostics to administrative processes and research.

Whether you work in film, marketing, healthcare, automobile, or real-estate, generative AI is changing the way your job is executed, and those who adapt early will reap its benefits sooner. All professions will be affected by generative AI. Its invention can be compared to the invention of photography, a true creative revolution. If you want to be part of the leaders that are advancing this revolution, this course can get you started on your learning journey.

In this course, generative AI expert Pinar Seyhan Demirdag covers the basics of generative AI, with topics including what it is, how it works, how to create your own content, different types of models, future predictions, and ethical implications.

You’ve probably already heard about ChatGPT, but did you know it can make you better at your job? Join instructor Dave Birss for a crash course in generative AI and learn how to get started with prompt engineering for ChatGPT and other AI chatbots to upskill as a researcher and a writer.

Dave shows you how to create effective prompts that deliver high-quality, task-relevant results. Get an overview of some of the key considerations of working with generative AI with hands-on, practical strategies to improve your research and writing. Find out how to summarize complex information, view subjects from multiple perspectives, build user personas and strategic models, analyze writing style, outline ideas, and generate new content. By the end of this course, you’ll be ready to leverage the power of ChatGPT and other chatbots to deliver more consistent writing outcomes every time.

The amazing potential and opportunity of Generative AI has also brought ethical concerns. How can you address these concerns effectively as you deploy tools and products powered by generative AI? In this course, expert Vilas Dhar equips designers and decision makers to better understand and act on the emerging ethical risks and considerations of generative artificial intelligence. Get a solid introduction to the ethical concerns around generative AI, then learn how to use a framework of ethical analysis to address these concerns. Plus, explore ways you can prepare your organization to address ethics in AI across all stakeholders from technology to C-Suite leaders. 

The next generation of GPT is here, and it’s time to get up to speed. The latest version, GPT-4, takes all the core functionalities of GPT-3.5 and reworks them for more reliable, consistent results and higher performance delivered at speed. Join data science consultant and AI expert Jonathan Fernandes to get a sneak peek at what’s new with GPT-4, in this approachable, easy-to-follow course designed for both technical and non-technical learners.

Explore the wide variety of tasks that GPT-4 can perform with accuracy and ease, as you develop your understanding of how large language models function in interactive natural language processing. Along the way, gather insights from Jonathan on model specifications, decoders, parameters, training tools such as PPO reinforcement learning, common limitations, HELM, and more. Upon completing this course, you’ll have the skills you need to know to get started with GPT-4 and select the model that’s best for you. 

The use of AI in consumer and enterprise environments is exploding—and conversational AI is leading the way. Conversational AI is part of the intelligent automation spectrum of technologies used to digitize and transform operations, customer support, sales, and interactions with enterprise technologies. In this course, instructor Ian Barkin puts it all into context, situating conversational AI with its historical predecessor technologies and introducing the new technology stack: natural language processing, automatic speech recognition, and natural language understanding.

Explore the different types and benefits of conversational AI tools, with real-world examples drawn from enterprise experiences to highlight the ways in which this powerful technology has been deployed. From modern conversational AI channels and platforms to using AI chatbots in practice, by the end of this course, you’ll be equipped with highly sought-after skills to create better AI strategies for your teams.

Generative AI tools have made a big impact on business in a short period of time. Many people are using them to make their jobs easier and to help them produce even better work. But it can be hard to know where to begin. Join Dave Birss, innovator and AI expert, as he practically demonstrates how to collaborate with AI tools in the best way. He shares a framework to help you understand how you can incorporate AI into your everyday tasks. He also shares a number of useful prompts that can streamline tasks and help you achieve even better results. 

Google Cloud Skills Boost

This learning path guides you through a curated collection of content on generative AI products and technologies, from the fundamentals of Large Language Models to how to create and deploy generative AI solutions on Google Cloud. Below is a selection of micro-courses available to users.

This is an introductory level microlearning course aimed at explaining what Generative AI is, how it is used, and how it differs from traditional machine learning methods. It also covers Google Tools to help you develop your own Gen AI apps. This course is estimated to take approximately 45 minutes to complete. 

This is an introductory-level microlearning course aimed at explaining what responsible AI is, why it's important, and how Google implements responsible AI in their products. It also introduces Google's 7 AI principles. 

This course introduces diffusion models, a family of machine learning models that recently showed promise in the image generation space. Diffusion models draw inspiration from physics, specifically thermodynamics. Within the last few years, diffusion models became popular in both research and industry. Diffusion models underpin many state-of-the-art image generation models and tools on Google Cloud. This course introduces you to the theory behind diffusion models and how to train and deploy them on Vertex AI. 


Embark on a journey of innovation and knowledge as we bring you a series of AI-focused conferences. Explore multiple events where top minds converge to discuss groundbreaking research, industry trends, and the limitless potential of artificial intelligence. Engage with thought-provoking sessions and interactive workshops, ensuring you stay at the forefront of this rapidly evolving field. 

Presented by: The Center for Teaching and Learning at Purdue University Global

Date: November 4-8, 2024

Description: Purdue Global Village is a virtual higher education conference designed and delivered by the Center for Teaching and Learning for students, alumni, faculty, administrators, and staff. The conference's mission is to provide a forum for collaborative professional development to enhance student learning in a diverse, equitable, and inclusive environment. 

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