Artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming the world of education, offering new possibilities for teaching and learning in the online classroom. AI can help educators design personalized and engaging courses, assess students’ progress and feedback, and foster critical thinking and creativity among learners. AI can also help students develop digital skills and literacy, as well as ethical awareness and responsibility, as they interact with various AI applications and tools. However, AI also poses significant challenges and risks for education, such as potential biases, privacy issues, and ethical dilemmas. Therefore, educators need to be aware of the benefits and limitations of AI, and how to use it effectively and responsibly in their online teaching practices. Below, we will provide some general suggestions, samples, and resources for use in online course facilitation, based on the latest research and best practices from experts and practitioners in the field. 

General Suggestions

Acceptable Use

Unacceptable Use


Course Announcement Outlining Acceptable and Unacceptable Generative AI Use

Class - This announcement is to clarify acceptable and unacceptable uses of generative artificial intelligence (AI) to complete assignments for our class. While generative AI tools have many benefits, including their ability to create new content and enhance creative expression, I would like to caution you to use this tool both wisely and ethically to protect yourself and your academic integrity. 

Generative AI involves uses algorithms and machine learning to analyze existing content and create new content based on its analysis. While this may seem like a convenient tool for completing school work, it can easily lead to instances of plagiarism and academic dishonesty. For instance, the use of generative AI to complete assignments can result in work that is not your own and does not demonstrate your understanding of the material--remember, your ideas matter! 

It is crucial to remember that academic assignments are designed to assess your knowledge and understanding of the material and contribute to your learning. To clarify further, here is a list of acceptable and unacceptable uses of generative AI tools:

Acceptable Use

Unacceptable Use

If you choose to use generative AI tools, I strongly advise that you do so carefully and following the above guidelines. More importantly, I encourage you to engage in critical thinking, research, and writing to demonstrate your understanding of the course material and to help you develop your own thinking and analysis skills.

If you have any follow-up questions regarding generative-AI use, or what is and is not acceptable, please don't hesitate to email me and let me know ( Thanks!

Professor Doe

Email Outreach Inquiring About Possible AI Usage

Hi Student – I hope your week is going well! I am writing because I took a quick look at your U6: Academic Essay Rough Draft.

The rough draft you completed and shared didn’t sound, or read, quite like your usual writing style. Also, based on the Turnitin Originality Report, and its artificial intelligence (AI) detection tool, as well as my own analysis and comparison to your previous writing and assignments for our class, it looks like a large portion of your submission may have been generated by an AI chatbot such as ChatGPT, Google Bard, Bing’s AI chatbot, etc.

I wanted to discuss the high percentage match to material possibly produced by an AI chatbot. If you don't mind sharing a little more with me, did you get assistance with one of these tools when creating this paper? While generative AI can be used in certain portions of the writing process, such as brainstorming, conducting research, proofreading/editing, etc., it cannot be used to create an entire essay, or even portions of an essay.

If you could, can you please respond to this message with your explanation as soon as possible. Thanks in advance for your response!

Professor Doe

AI Infographics Hub

Welcome to our AI Infographics Hub! This section is dedicated to providing easy-to-use infographics to help students explore and understand the fascinating world of artificial intelligence (AI). Through a series of carefully crafted infographics, students can gain insights into various AI applications, learn about its impact on different industries, understand how to use AI responsibly, and acquire practical ways to leverage AI technologies in their academic and professional journeys. 

Click on the infographics below for sharable links of each design to utilize in your classrooms.

What is AI?

These infographics provide students with an overview of Artificial Intelligence (AI), including things like definitions, types, applications, economic impact, and future outlooks. 

How Can I Use AI?

In these resources, students can learn more about how AI is used and how it can support their education through personalized learning, intelligent tutoring, accessibility tools, and career planning. 

Materials are also provided that review acceptable and unacceptable  uses of AI.

How Do I Cite AI?

These infographics provide guidance for citing AI tools, emphasizing the importance of naming the tool, mentioning creators, including the publication year, describing its function, providing access information, using proper in-text citations, formatting the reference list correctly, and maintaining consistency in citation style. 

Using AI Responsibly & Ethically

These resources outline guidelines for responsibly integrating AI tools into academic work, emphasizing transparency, evaluation of AI-generated content, and avoiding plagiarism. They encourage students to use AI as an enhancement rather than a replacement, disclosing AI usage, and consulting professors if unsure about ethical implications. 

AI Prompt Creation

This infographic provides various prompts students can use to seek help from an AI chatbots. 

The Impact of AI on the Job Market

This resource discusses how AI impacts the current job market. It highlights AI's role in increasing efficiency and productivity, the need for upskilling and reskilling, ethical considerations, and the importance of collaboration between humans and AI to enhance human performance. 

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