What is generative AI and how can it be used in the college classroom?

Generative artificial intelligence (AI) refers to a type of machine learning, whereby a computer can create content based on its ability to assess similar content. The generated content could take the form of music, art, writing, etc. Essentially, the program must be provided examples of the type of content it wishes to generate--it must listen to music, it must read essays, it must view art--then, using algorithms designed for its specific purpose, the program will create content based on the common patterns detected in the material it has assessed. 

It is important to remember, however, that generative AIs do not actually produce new content or material, but rather uses information from existing work to create a reasonable average of the whole.

In the college classroom, AI can be utilized to enhance various aspects of teaching, including personalized learning experiences, automated grading and feedback, intelligent tutoring systems, data analytics for student performance, and more. 

What are AI chatbots and what can they do?

AI chatbots, such as ChatGPT, can use natural language processing to create human-like dialogue. The language model can respond to questions and compose a variety of written content, including articles, social media posts, essays, and emails. 

Are students already using chatbots or other forms of generative AI for their assignments?

Yes, they are! According to a nationwide survey conducted by the online magazine, Intelligent, of 1,000 college-enrolled students in late 2022, nearly one-third of the students said they have already used ChatGPT to complete a written college assignment. Nearly two-thirds of that group say that they have used it for 50% or more of their assignments. Additionally, three out of four ChatGPT users believe it is cheating but use it anyway.

What AI tools do students most commonly use?

There are a variety of generative-AI tools that can be used to create content, such as audio, video, images, text, and simulations. Some of the most commonly used AI tools for students include ChatGPT, Bing's AI chatbot, Google's Bard, DALL-E 2, PhotoMath, HyperWrite, and WordTune; however, due to the nature of the advancing technology, the list is changing almost daily. The basis of these tools is "large language models," which are AI systems that apply sophisticated statistical methods to process and comprehend natural language data, such as text or speech, and produce responses that resemble human ones.

How should an instructor approach the use of AI in the classroom?

AI tools can be used ethically and responsibly in various academic settings. However, using AI tools too much can compromise a student's ability to demonstrate their learning. Consider, though, that many of the effective teaching and evaluation methods that worked in a pre-generative AI world still work today. There are many ways that instructors can effectively incorporate the use of AI in their classrooms, including evaluating AI-created content, conducting general research, generating study guides, completing assignment preparation (such as brainstorming), or creating detailed topic lists. With responsible use of a generative AI tool, students can enhance their creative skills, allowing them to explore and evaluate novel concepts and ideas that inspire them to produce their own academic work. 

However, some students may lack the fundamental knowledge to discern why or how AI-generated content can be inaccurate or misused. This provides a wonderful teaching opportunity, or "learning moment," for instructors to demonstrate to students both AI's advantages and disadvantages. 

For instance, one strategy is to teach students about the drawbacks and limitations of Al technology and instead, promote the significance of developing their own critical thinking and analysis skills. By stressing the worth of their original thoughts and analysis, faculty members can help to dissuade students from depending on Al tools to complete their assignments. 

If your students question whether or not using AI for an assignment is appropriate, have them consider the following questions:

If you do allow the use of AI as a source in an academic assignment, be sure to convey to students that they should clearly indicate the role that the AI technology played in formulating their work (just as they would for any other academic source).

Can Turnitin (TII) detect the use of AI?

First, it is important to reference our provost's latest memo regarding the use of Turnitin as an AI detection tool: 

Dear Colleagues:


As the generative artificial intelligence (AI) discussion continues worldwide, I want to let you know that Turnitin (TII) is sharing a preview release of its AI writing detection capabilities starting on April 4, 2023. While the AI detection capabilities will be built into the existing TII similarity report in Brightspace, please do not use AI detection applications alone to conclude that there has been plagiarism or a violation of academic integrity.


There will be an announcement in Purdue Today about this new TII capability as well, and the Purdue Global team will be evaluating detection applications and providing guidance. Updates will be shared as soon as new information is available. In the meantime, please review the Purdue Global Generative AI Statement for guidance on appropriate uses of AI generated content.


Please be aware that students will not have access to the AI writing detection indicator and report in Turnitin.


If you have any questions, suggestions, or concerns, please complete this form.


Thank you, 

Jon Harbor | Provost

March 31, 2023

It is also important to consider the following if utilizing Turnitin as an AI detection tool in your comprehensive evaluation of possible plagiarism cases:

To learn a bit more about Turnitin's AI detection capabilities, feel free to review the following articles or visit our Turnitin's AI Detection Tool page. 

What steps should I take if I suspect a student has relied on AI to produce a significant portion of an assignment?

First, the Turnitin (TII) Originality Report should always be read carefully to determine whether or not a breach of academic integrity has occurred with the use of AI in the same way the report is checked for any potential plagiarism issues.

Additionally, the current Student Code of Conduct should be followed for cases involving the use of AI. Do not judge a submission by the percentage only.  

Are there any ethical concerns or considerations regarding AI and it's use?

How can I ensure that AI tools are fair and unbiased in the classroom? 

Ensuring fairness and mitigating bias in AI tools requires careful consideration. When selecting or developing AI tools: 

Do I need to have a technical background to incorporate AI in my teaching? 

No, not necessarily. While a technical background can be advantageous, it is not always necessary to incorporate AI in your teaching. Many AI tools and platforms are designed to be user-friendly and require minimal technical expertise. However, it is essential to familiarize yourself with the basics of AI and understand its capabilities and limitations to effectively integrate it into your instructional practices. 

What are some practical examples of using AI in the classroom? 

There are several practical applications of AI in college teaching. Some examples include:

Can AI completely replace human instructors? 

No, AI cannot entirely replace human instructors. While AI technologies can automate certain tasks and provide personalized learning experiences, they lack the human qualities of empathy, creativity, and critical thinking that are crucial in education. AI should be seen as a complement to human instruction, enhancing teaching and learning rather than replacing it. 

© 2023 PG AI Task Force | Webmaster: William Ashley Johnson | Contact: wjohnson3@purdueglobal.edu